Tub-Thumper - 1. A speaker or preacher who for emphasis thumps the pulpit; a violent or declamatory preacher or
orator; a ranter. (from oed.com).
This blog will be a combination of reasoned posting somedays and an occasional rant.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
As the Scottish election approaches (May 3rd) the usual scaremongering is going on. There are also the usual lies about Scotland not being able to support itself.
Funny then, that the Labour government in the 70s went to great lengths to cover up the McCrone Report which stated that a Scottish economy properly managed would be "in chronic surplus to a quite embarassing degree." "It's currency would become the hardest in Europe with the possible exception of the Norwegian Kroner."
Ho hum.
here are some responses to it and some links about the real picture..
I'll be watching and hoping Scotland becomes their own country in charge of their own destiny. I have a number of friends living over there as well as yourself.
This is an excellent page/blog site with LOADS of really eyeopening stuff. I'm trying to sort out a "Ragged Trousered Philanthropist" discussion evening in my local pub (Co-op pub!) any ideas how I should structure it?
Name: michael the tubthumper Home: Glasgow, Scotland About Me: Tub-Thumper - 1. A speaker or preacher who for emphasis thumps the pulpit; a violent or declamatory preacher or orator; a ranter. This blog will be a combination of reasoned posting somedays and an occasional rant.
28 years old, I write and research for a couple of websites and also do my own stuff. See my complete profile
Thumping The Tub Video
I have made a few short movies. Here are links to free downloads for them all in the order that I made them (as far as I can remember). Please feel free to use, distribute, disagree with, shout at etc etc
The inaugural 'Arse of the month' award goes to our very own Scottish First Minister Jack (Joke) McConnell. He seems to spend a lot of his time sucking up to english politicians and yet it appears they don't even know his name. Follow the link to see..
A list of some other Scottish sites and blogs most of which, if not all, are pro-independence. I don't agree with content on all of them obviously. Some are Scots at home, others abroad.
If you like this site and think it is time to start getting informed here are a few real favourites of mine that will help you blow away the corporate and government propaganda you are constantly bombarded with. It is added to every so often.
I'll be watching and hoping Scotland becomes their own country in charge of their own destiny. I have a number of friends living over there as well as yourself.